Reviews / Testergebnisse |
Category | Products (please choose a product here!) |
Graphics | ArtEffect, DrawStudio, Tornado3D |
Graphics add-ons | Wacom Tablets (PenPartner, ArtPad II), Drivers |
DTP, Word Processing | PageStream, PageStream add-ons, AmigaWriter |
Video | X-DVE, FontMachine |
Programming | StormC, StormWizard, StormPowerASM, Books |
Internet, Fax | STFax, NetConnect, Merapi (Java), FontMachine |
Emulators | Fusion (Mac), PCx |
The products of Haage&Partner got a lot of high ratings and awards. Die Produkte von Haage&Partner haben schon viele hohe Wertungen und Auszeichnungen erhalten. |
ArtPad II | Graphics Tablet (Wacom) |
91% 90%, 91% |
"support the eraser; very compatible" Rating: 91%, AmigaMagazin 2/97 "unterstützt den Radierer, sehr kompatible" Wertung: 91%, AmigaMagazin 2/97 ![]() 90 % (A4) und 91 % (A5). Amiga Magazin 7/97 |
Tornado3D | 3D Rendering and Animation |
FontMachine | Video & Internet |
FontMachine gets 90% and the "AMIGA SUPERSTAR" Award from CU Amiga april issue! CU Amiga 3/98 |
"superb" |
Amiga Format 2/98 gave Fontmachine a rating of 95% |
"very good" "sehr gut" |
"Die Möglichkeiten, interessant wirkende Fonts zu erzeugen, ist enorm. Dabei arbeitet das Programm absolut stabil und ist einfach zu bedienen." "gute Ergebnisse; nahezu fehlerfrei; akzeptiert jeden Font" Edgar Conrad in Amiga Magazin 3/98 |
92% |
"Einfach zu bedienen - sehr guter Emboss-Effekt - ARexx-Unterstützung - ARex-Lernmakro" Joachim Saucke und Andreas Wischerhoff in Amiga Plus 3/98 |
Storm 2.0 | C/C++ Development System |
Award 97
Voted best programming language 1997 by the readers of German AmigaPlus magazine. Die Leser des AmigaPlus Magazines haben StormC 2.0 zur besten Programmiersprache 1997 gewählt. |
"Editor's Reference" "Empfehlung der Redaktion" |
"Das Produkt ist ein allumfassendes und leistungsfähiges Entwicklungspaket, das einer aktiven Weiterentwicklung
unterliegt. Die Unterstützung von <p.OS> un der PowerPC-Prozessoren machen es fit für die Zukunft". "voll integrierte Projektverwaltung, komfortable Editoren, schneller ANSI-C/C++ Compiler, Quelltextdebugger und Profiler, GUI-Editor, ausgelegt für p.OS und PowerPC" AmigaPlus 10/97 |
Product of the year 1996 |
The readers of German Amiga Magazine voted StormC "product of the year" in the category "compilers". Die Leser des Amiga Magzins wählten StormC zum "Produkt des Jahres" in der Kategorie "Compiler". |
"very good" 86% |
"GoldED editor included, Debugger, Profiler; shared library support; project management" AmigaMagazin
3/97 "GoldED als Editor und Debugger; praktischer Profiler; Shared-Library-Unterstützung; erweiterbare Projektverwaltung" |
StormC 1.0 | C/C++ Development System |
"very good" 88% |
StormWizard 2.0 erhielt von Marcel Bennicke die Wertung: 88 %, SEHR GUT "Leistungsfähiger Editor; viel Grundelemente; Lokaliserung entsteht nebenbei; p.OS-Version inklusive." "Fazit: Der neue StormWizard hat in erster Linie äußerlich zugelegt. Der Editor sebst wurde zugunsten Bedienbarkeit gründlich überarbeitet - mit Erfolg!" Amiga Magazin 7/97 |
92% |
UK magazine AMIGA COMPUTING No. 105, 11/96 rated StormC 1.1: 92% Storm in a C-cup: Neil Mohr checks out the compiler the Amiga world has been waiting for. Amiga Computing 11/96 "... StormC is a good choice with an eye on the future as well!" "... a full step ahead!" Winner in head-to-head comparison! ".. you cannot go wrong with the highly polished StormC!" Rated overall: 92% |
"very good" 89% Price/Value: 26 of 30 |
German AMIGA MAGAZIN 8/96 rated StormC 1.1:
VERY GOOD (89%) ! StormC is now far ahead of its competitors. "well thought-out user interface", "compact, fast code" "... StormC will be the right choice for the future too." ![]() StormC konnte sich damit weit vor der Konkurrenz behaupten. "durchdachte Oberflaeche", "kompakter, schneller Code" "... mit StormC liegt man auch in Zukunft richtig." Preis/Leistung: 26 von 30, Dokumentation: 8 von 10, Bedienung: 18 von 20, Erlernbarkeit: 9 von 10, Leistung: 28 von 30 |
94% |
German AMIGA PLUS 9/96 rated StormC 1.1: 94% !!! "varied possibilities for compiler optimisations, efficient linker and debugger, consistent GUI design, flexible runtime shell and project manager" "... has its nose in front of the others." (German phrase ;-)) ![]() Der Konkurrent MaxonC 3.1 erhielt im selben Bericht nur 86%. "vielseitige Optimierungsmoeglichkeiten im Compiler, leistungsfaehiger Linker und Debugger, konsequentes Oberflaechendesign, Runtime-Shell und Projektverwaltung sehr vielseitig" "... die Nase eindeutig vorn." |
A 'thunderbolt' for the traditional C-compiler Conclusion We are very enthusiastic about StormC. The program is very clear and tidy. The integrated developing environment is easy to use, with a little practice even for 'rookies'. StormC offers the professional user powerful, flexible and future-proof possibilities. Despite the rather high price we expect that StormC will be a 'big thing' in the near future. Furthermore, Haage & Partner is already working on a PowerPC-edition of the program. It might take a few months, but this development can only lead to the very first 'native' C-compiler for the Amiga. And when you're the first, you're way ahead of others. So what about the current edition. Well, how many people do you know that own a PowerPC Amiga? Exactly. Even though StormWIZARD is causing some crashes, we were charmed by the program. Considering that it is a demo-version, we actually have only one complaint: it uses too much memory. Haage & Partner have just announced that there will be a combined package (with both StormC and StormWIZARD) available soon. When that happens, we are able to compile and 'dress' a program almost in one session. Amiga Magazine 7/96 (Dutch edition) |
Amiga Magazine 11/96 |
Review of StormC 2.0 |
Amiga Magazine 6/96 |
First review in AMIGA MAGAZINE No. 79 (Italian magazine). |
Amiga Special 5/96 |
Review of StormC 1.05 in Amiga Special (German magazine). |
Amiga Special 2/96 |
Review of StormC 1.0 in Amiga Special (German magazine). |
AmigaNews 1/96 |
Review of StormC 1.0 in AmigaNews No. 86 (French magazine). |
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